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02 Nov 2023

Press Release: MIC Denounces Inaccurate Reporting and Stands Against Islamophobia



November 2, 2023


Maryum Islamic Center Denounces Inaccurate Reporting

and Stands Against Islamophobia


We, at Maryum Islamic Center (MIC), condemn the violent acts against innocent civilian lives that have taken place in both Israel and Palestine. MIC and the Muslim community believe that all human life is sacrosanct and is to be valued and protected. In our holy book, the Quran (5:32), it is stated, “...if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and  if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind” (Tasfir Ibn Kathir, vol. 3, p.157).


On October 21st, a video-recorded speech was delivered in which our Imam stated that the events in Israel in October 2023 were seen as a victory, by which he meant finally there is global attention to the Palestinian cause. The lecture about Palestine was meant to explore the history of Palestine, and victory refers to the consequence of the brutal deaths of mass numbers of Palestinians. The term victory is used in the sense that it has compelled people to pay more attention to the history and current conditions faced by the Palestinian people. Our Imam has a 30-year tenure of peaceful, thoughtful, and engaging interfaith dialogue across the state of Maryland, expressing sentiments of triumph only because of the global outcry and attention given to the humanitarian crisis in Palestine and the urgent need to end the occupation and the decades-long slaughter of Palestinian civilians. This was an effort to comfort the community in this time of loss, by finding meaning from tragedy.


Newsweek, along with some radical media outlets and organizations such as the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), exhibiting Islamophobic tendencies, has egregiously misrepresented statements made by the Imam of MIC. By publishing inaccurate and misguided information, Newsweek and these outlets have fueled hatred rooted in Islamophobia, resulting in threats to our community. These threats have been reported to law enforcement. All people deserve to live in peace.


These allegations do not reflect the values of our community. The MIC remains steadfast and committed to upholding moral values and building safe and cohesive communities across multicultural and inter-religious groups. MIC and millions of people across the world, including many Jews in both Israel and the United States, have been demonstrating for a ceasefire. We believe that every human life is sacred.


MIC understands the heightened emotional and personal effects that the current Israeli-Palestinian crisis is having on the World. MIC remains steadfast and committed to its community work and interfaith outreach, and wishes peace for all.


For immediate inquiry, contact:

Maryum Islamic Center

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